Monday, December 1, 2008

Hydrogel tissue engineering

Hydrogel tissue engineering
Tissue engineering is to generate or training for the replacement of the bone, blood vessels and organs. The most promising new field of study has a super absorptive capacity of the polymer chain (polymer chain) of the hydrogel network, as it, like scaffolding to support the growth of the new organization. Carnegie Mellon University researchers are using water gel to help bone regeneration; at Baylor University and Rice University, the hydrogel is being used to help the emergence of dental cavities tissue regeneration. Expected to be the first listed company Biosyntech may be BST-CarGel such a product, BST-CarGel is a hydrogel products, with the body's own platelets to work together for the formation of cartilage tissue regeneration framework. The therapy clinical trials currently under way

  组织工程学旨在生成或培育用于替换的骨骼、血管和器官。这一领域最富前景的新研究涉及具有超强吸收能力的聚合物链(polymer chain)的水凝胶网,它能像脚手架一样去支撑新组织的生长。美国卡内基梅隆大学的研究人员正在利用水凝胶去帮助骨骼再生;在贝勒大学和莱斯大学,水凝胶正被用于帮助出现龋洞的牙齿组织再生。最早有望上市的可能是Biosyntech公司BST-CarGel这样的产品,BST-CarGel是一种水凝胶制品,可与人体自身血小板协同工作,生成用于软骨组织再生的构架。这项疗法目前正在进行临床试验。